The Importance of Language Translators

Some words are prevalent in language translation and interpreting, such as internationalization, localization, and globalization. There are more than 6,900 living languages worldwide, and the language interpreting and translating service providers have seen constant growth over the years. In simple terms, language interpretation means facilitating oral communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between people who speak and understand different languages.
Language interpretation also refers to the facilitation of sign-language communication. Interpretation and interpreting are the words that describe this process. So, why is translation meaningful in the world we live in today?

Listed below are the top five (5) reasons why translation is essential:

1. Translation is Important Because Not Everyone Speaks a Particular Language
Even with the fact that English is the most commonly spoken language in the world today, it’s not everyone that understands it. Sure, English is the most frequently spoken language. And just because anyone can speak some English, that doesn’t mean that they can cope in a situation. Therefore, holding a basic conversation is essential, but easy and effective communication is imperative.

2. People Prefer Their Native Language
English is second-language to many people, while some don’t even speak it at all. People like to communicate in their first language (the one they grew up speaking). So, to sell to people in this situation effectively, it is essential that you talk to them in the language they understand and like the most. A study by Common Sense Advisory found that 75% of customers “prefer to buy products in their native language.” A study in India by Indian market research company JuxtConsult found that almost three-quarters of consumers prefer content in their first languages.

3. Emerging Markets Mean Emerging Languages
Other countries’ languages like China, French, and Japan are growing in importance as citizens of this company are gaining more internet access. The countries are also securing a spot for themselves in the global economy. For example, most of the world’s web content used to be in English, but that is not the case anymore.

4. Translation Connects the Global Economy
There are many reasons why translation services are booming. Even though English is known worldwide as the language of global business, translation and interpreting services remain a vital part of doing business globally. Research performed during Brexit noted that “international growth is still key to increased revenues and profitability and companies will always seek to trade with overseas markets. Products launched beyond home borders will still need to meet the proper packaging and labeling standards.”

5. Translation Spreads Ideas and Information
Translation also allows ideas and information to spread across cultures, allowing translation to change history. What’s the number one reason translation is so important? Language interpretation is a well-known service that has become imperative for both individuals and organizations to expand their business. Finding the right interpreter is of utmost importance in ensuring an accurate translation.


If you are interested in learning more about how interpretation and translation services can benefit your organization, feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

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